I knew sooner or later someone was actually going to attack childfree people and those who have medical difficulty having children.
I guess this shouldn't be a surprise as an #actuallyautistic #lgbtqia2 person to see this kind of thing happening... especially when Elon's own daughter is trans and is disown her father.
Can we start talking about parental privilege yet?
#humanrights #childfree #Voting #gayrights #transrights
Watch "Elon Musk: BAN Childless People From Voting | The Kyle Kulinski Show" on YouTube
@LeatherCubAndrew this joke of a person....!!! again... If your little pea brain cannot comprehend the concept of future and empathy for people other than half a genetic copy of YOURSELF, then you're a rubbish person
plenty of childless & childfree people care about the future of this planet...