@constantorbit Part of an old power station?
@wx1g yeah, I think it's a substation. Watertown Square, MA, USA
@constantorbit I have lived in Watertown for much of my adult life, and cannot place this possible substation. Anyway, the power company, in this town, is no longer anything like Edison. We have ever source around here. Or was it the other one? Sometimes I forget which is electric, and which is gas.
Spring St just north of Watertown Square (right before the parking lot)
(And yeah I can never remember which company does what now, with these generic names)
@wx1g oh dang it my apologies! Was that rude of me to post a screenshot of a map? (but did the alt text help?)
The building is 18 Spring St, so if you're on Main St at Watertown Square and you walk up Spring St, it's the 2nd building on the left.
@constantorbit It is not rude of you to post a map without a description or description of a map. At least, not to me. I am not quite as prickly or sensitive about these things as some might be. That is, most days. Today, you have caught me in a great mood! So no I’m fine with it. But thank you for asking! Maybe the ask is what makes what makes it even better you know I appreciate it.