There’s a guy in my poetry class named Paul and it’s taking EVERYTHING IN ME (all my masking points) to not ask him if it’s short for tarpaulin
Not the least because that’s not even a reference, it’s a silly series of jokes I HAVE BEEN MAKING
Like Pat short for patchouli or Mac short for tarmac
There's too much realism in Second Life! =;.;=
#SecondLife #SecondNorway #Serval #Humor #Fun #Spass
Got speedtrapped for doing 140 in a 50 zone... really? =o.O=
Day 6: I believe they have accepted me as one of their own, though I'm worried about Larry, who keeps asking: "Is it just me, or do I smell wet dog?" Just imagine the thousands of negative Yelp reviews in this photo #Humor #Political #PoliticalHumor
Seth Meyers showed his audience a picture of Trump and three Teslas on the White House lawn and he said: "I see four things in this picture that need to be charged." #humor #politics #criminaljustice
Did you hear the one about the saucy Leprechaun who got caught playing with her pot of gold?
#Erotica #Humor
When asked about which countries that may be placed under his next travel ban, he replied "Wouldn't that be a stupid thing for me to say?".
Adding, "NOBODY expects My Travel Ban! Our chief weapon is surprise ... surprise and fear ... fear and surprise .... Our two weapons are fear and surprise ... and ruthless efficiency .... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency ... and an almost fanatical devotion to the Putin."
GM: you received a magical boon - what do you wish for?
Wyrmling, really into role playing his middle aged "parent" character: "the ability to awake well rested after a night's sleep!"
GM: nice, 50xp for staying in character, and not min-maxing. Granted!
I get a kick out of this "budget meal hack" trending hashtag on #scoopz at the moment.
It's always WAY over complicated, and made with processed food, and not actually budget because it costs like 3+ dollars a meal.
If you actually learn how to #cook #baking use staples/seasoning, and plan ahead, THAT is the real budget meal hack.
Don't say you need money. I do this on #disability
The economy is crashing. You should learn now, it'll save ya later.